Give your event or team
practical insights and inspiration on AI by booking Chris and Frank to speak

"My clients were sitting up straight and taking notes during your talk."
Tasha, Senior Executive AI Leader

"Today was a huge success, both for bringing people together and for inspiring the next generation of AI leaders. I absorbed a lot in the short time we had, but to be sure I also ordered your book."
Jesse, Analytics Manager

"We need the energy you guys bring to our leadership team meetings."
Brendan, Senior Executive

"This seminar was exactly what I needed and I did not know it."
Dylan, Master Data Scientist

"Any time you two are up front, people are listening and learning."
Larry, Senior Military Officer
Chris and Frank will tailor a talk on AI leadership to your event
Team / Organization
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Benefits to You and Your Organization

Practical Content
Chris and Frank literally wrote the book on AI leadership in national security. We cordially loathe empty concepts and hype. We focus on communicating leader principles and practices that get work done.

Purpose Built
We tailor an educational lesson or keynote-type talk to your event and audience, drawing upon 30 years of experience and our current activities in the space.

Passionately Delivered
We love this mission space and it shows in our presentations. Your people will take notes and they will leave encouraged.